Well my geo test went quite well really, got a merit hehe yay!! Still got heaps to learn for the other case study tho. Im going to auckland on saturday for a uni visit thing should be cool. Always like a good trip to auckland. Is anyone else sick of rainy weekends? You get nice days during the week when were stuck in classrooms but as soon as u get home and have free time its rainy. Hope its good weather this weekend, i got plans. Hmm well iv still got no idea what to do next year. So many options yet still i sit confused and wonder lol. Im sure something will come up eventually. I actually had a very quiet weekend this time. Wasnt a good one what so ever but yea it all came right in the end. There seems to be a lot of new born babies around at school recently, soooo cute!! Exams are coming up soon *hides under duvet* theyre only practise ones but i still hate them. We have to stay for the full three hours which sux. Exams are just bad in total. If they had an exam on lounging on the beach now thatd be good. 5 days to spring!!!! Woo hoo!!! Then itll be summer and that means no school and lotsa beach days and tramping for as long as we want. Oh and maybe sum responsible stuff lol. I learnt a very important thing today, and that is that my friends will always stick by me no matter what and will defend me to the last thing lol. They rock!!! Hmm whatelse has happened..... or is happening.... oh yea me and my friend are entering the talent quest and doing this long as dance routine its like 6 mins long lol. shouldbe heaps of fun as its our last year and all. lol and thats about it really, not a lot happens in Okaihau but thats just how we roll lol XD Keep dreaming