Monday, August 4, 2008

Candy Mountain Charlie

So, the weekend totally rocked!! My friends and I went up to the beach house from Friday to Sunday and had the meanest laziest time ever hehe. After downing the tiniest bit of 80% alcohol which was incredibly discusting we had some tasty as pea and ham soup at the staff dinner then off we went up north. We got up there late as and tried to watch a movie in bed but fell asleep in the first half hour or so lol. Saturday, well when we were awake we stayed in bed watching movies and playing playstation and mostly txting in sum cases XD We did surface for a while to play some pool and to get sum food. Such nanas we are, having afternoon naps. It's surprising how tiring doing nothing actually is lol. Over the weekend, i was slowly corrupted. No longer is high school musical my favourite music. I am now into Korn, Disturbed, Nickelback etc. Guess I hadnt even given that kinda stuff a chance but now its like yea!!! School is well zzzzzzz. Its getting a bit repetitive but yea, its cool cos i get to see a certain someone everyday so thats awesome. I have officially decided i cant wait for summer anymore. Bring on the sun and days spent at the beach, its gonna be totally cool, seen as how its my last summer holidays as a secondary school kid. We got Wednesday off because of the weather so I spent it inside all day with a certain sumone. It was windy as again and mum feared for our deck roof but luckily it stayed on. Hmmm apart from our sleepy cool weekend not much else is happening just school and stuff as per usual. My hair is gonna turn grey from biology and english is confusing the heck outta me but apart from that its being pretty dull lol. So yea..... keep dreaming!!

1 comment:

Izak Flash Man said...

Take us to candy mountain charlie! Yeaaaaaa. =}

Heh heh, you sound like your turning bad ass. Korn, and 80% alcohol. XD. Keep on rockin'