Three more days to the holidays!!! Yayness. Only thing about these holidays though is you either study or u dont but then feel guilty for not and so u cant really enjoy em anyways haha. Hope its gonna be sunny for them cos i really want to get out and about sumwhere. Next term is gonna be my last ever one at college, such a scary thought. A few people from my school are going to the same university as me so thats good, ill know a few people. Oh another good thing is summers coming!! hehe cant wait to just relax in the sun and get a tan. My desk is a no go zone at the moment as there is soooo much paperwork on it its getting there tho. We went down to Forest pools on the weekend and took my lilo and boogie board to go down the rapids on. Trust me, during a race, to collide with a fallen tree and get doubled up between it and my lilo then get flipped off and into the freezing water to get dragged down the rapids on my stomach hitting the rocks haha. Wasnt too nice at the time, all i could think was breathe, breathe hehe. Got out, much shamed and shivering but laughing. Then we carried on up stream to find sum more even bigger rapids to play in and collected sum rocks then came back down stream to dry off and go home. Was mean fun. Its cool as walking up that river, its so scenic. Its absolutely freezing like it hurts to get in at first but after a while its bearable and then u get into the spirit of things and think what the heck and just dive in lolz. Hmmm yea, thats about everything thats happened in my life hehe. Dream high people XD