Friday, April 24, 2009
Change..... Again
Uni in.. Nepal out. Another change of my mind but its made up this time I promice. Iv applied and everything. Time to move on. Im still working at the computer shop and its been going ok due to a change of shops. My manager is lovely haha. She buys us chocolate coffee even. Not much else has been happening. I have discovered that primary school playgrounds are extremly inspirational and lead to great decisions. Shame its raining, the slide will be all wet :-( lol. I wonder what the playgrounds in Auckland are like? The llamas are back!!! In the field with lots of little baby llamas hahaha. I drive past them everyday and stop and watch them and giggle in the car. Anzac Day today, i reckon its raining cos the earth is mourning the loss of all the soldiers. I got a poppy but cant figure out how to pin it to my clothes with out stabbing myself everytime I lean forwards haha. Hmm yea... and thats about it XD
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Im not so sure
I have a job!!! Its working in a computer shop. My first week was a nightmare and couldnt have been any worse so Im hoping this week will be different. Its all for Nepal so thats what im keeping in mind. Im still hoping to go in September and come back mid december. Mt Everest here I come. Its hard but im hoping itll get easier as I get more experience. I live for lunch times and home time and weekends hahaha. Its hard been shut up in doors all day so i go out at lunchtimes to get fresh air, well as much fresh air as a town can offer anyways. I miss my friends but hopefully Ill see them at some stage. Its all about visualisation i reckon. Just dont let your dreams get clouded over by everyday life and itll be alright. I cant wait to go to the airport and get on the plane to Nepal. Life has changed and I guess thats ok itll just take a bit of getting used to. From school to been unemployed for like 5 months to employment haha its a lot of change. Plus the longer days are taking some getting used to. At 3pm its like yay home time but then u have to think twice and go no its not. And balancing time is another thing I have to learn how to do. Like spending time with family and friends and work and getting outdoors its all gotta have its time. At least the get a job lectures from mum and dad have stopped haha. Its getting colder now as well. I wanna get out tramping like a 3 day tramp before it gets all rainy and cold. Thats just no fun lol. Oh well, i shall keep dreaming and i know theyre all gonna come true.
Friday, January 23, 2009
A new beginning

Typical to my changable nature I have changed my plans for this year yet again. I am no longer going to university and am saving hard to go to Nepal in September to work in an orphanage then go trekking. Living my dream will be so cool. Iv always wanted to go there and see everything and experience the culture. Couldnt go to uni without fufilling this dream first. So I am job hunting currently and sitting my restricted test on Wednesday so lots of driving practise first hehe. My patience is certainly being tried. Getting there though and its certainly time I did it. It was a hard decision not to go to uni cos nearly all my friends are going but i think in terms of my personality and all that uni wasnt the place for me to be this year, not the right time really. Im visulising getting on the plane in September from Auckland and sitting watching the clouds out of the window as I get closer to my dream. In the meantime Im enjoying the sunshine and searching for that elusive job. Itd be cool if i passed my driving test, could drive to the forest anytime I wanted, provided I had the time hehe. So yea, a whole new year is just about to happen and Im glad I finally admitted I didnt want to go to uni afterall. Got my exam results back last week as well, did way better than id expected and i still maintain they are sumone elses results and not mine. English and geography were my best subjects. Bio, the one paper i did wasnt so good hehe but i dont mind cos it wasnt one of my strongest subjects to start with. I tired my best and thats good enough for me in the long run. Life has taken a change for the better and i feel like im finally doing what I want to do and that makes me extremly happy. Ciao for now peoples. Keep dreaming and living them.
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