So one week and 2 days to my high school life is over!!! Cant believe it. Iv decided to go to Waikato uni to study geography next year, whether thats the right thing to do or not is another question but i can always change my mind and do something totally different. Got a whole life to live right? You could say this is a stressful time recently with all the work and study but at the same time its sorta of exciting that soon im gonna be responsible for what I do and who I am. No more going to the same place everyday and doing the same things. Iv applyed for 2 jobs now. One in a supermarket and one as an IT assistant hehe. Yes thats right, Im the computer geek who loves to play around with computers for hours on end and drink coffee but thats ok cos i like the outdoors too. Im hoping to go to climbing camp some time before uni starts cos I havent done much climbing for aaaaaages. Coming back to the topic of school, , my geography study is going good. Actually passing the tests with good marks is giving me good reason to smile. All those hours going over and over the same things must work well. We're studying 1984 in english or drivilish as we call it. The book itself was quite good on first reading before the teacher tore it apart. Now its just like ugh do we have to read this and analyse it anymore!!! Same with the film we watched. I didnt like it in the first place but hey it wasnt too bad but with a few "And what does this camera angle represent to moral society?" chucked in there it just wasnt the same. Im really gonna miss some of the teachers when I leave, theyre really cool and some are more like friends especially my computer teacher shes awesome. Guess ya gotta move on tho at some stage and my time has arrived. Im keeping in mind my whole travel thing and I was talking to a friend on the net the other day who is in Iraq in the army and he was telling me and trying to describe how much different it actually is there compared to the medias view that they show to us and it just made me realise even more, ya gotta get out there and see for yourself, not just hear or read about things because it wont be real. Theres a real world out there but you just gotta go after it to really experience it. Also in my life recently, iv started to read my bible again after a period of not. Iv realised its something i want in my life and it feels right this time. Its all about learning Iv realised. You cant just expect to understand cos thats just not the way it goes. Wow, its November all ready. Scary how fast this year has gone by. Like I went to OPC in April and now its November. Life moves quick so Im gonna run as fast as I can but slow enough to really experince everything it has to offer. Schools over, life starts and so does my journey. Hahaha thats very philosophical for a Wednesday evening. And, Im still determinded to go to Mt.Everest and the general region to go make a difference, their way, not a westerners way. I want to help the people but in a way thats theirs. So yea, thats always being my dream and still is :D Keep dreaming people.
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